Wednesday, March 6, 2013

An African-American discovers her ancestral origin…

 I am unsure of where to begin my story. It is thru mitochondrial DNA testing that I learned that my genetic origins are from the Temne people of Sierra Leone. Perhaps, I should begin with sharing that since I was a child I had wondered where my African ancestor derived.  Once I learned my genetic origin it took 5 long, daunting years to raise the money to return to Sierra Leone. Ironically, the discovery of my ancestral origin was around the time that I had received, as a gift, a partially working camera that I had no clue how to operate.  My journey started long before I got Sierra Leone. It was not an easy one but as the old Negro spiritual goes, I wouldn't take nothing for my journey now...

Mythical Creature
I was being ferried, to the place my African ancestor had been taken. As we got closer to land I could see what at first I could only describe as a “mythical creature”. I soon discovered it was a small child. He was alone and dangerously, familiar with the water. He was just as intrigued by me as I was of him. It was as though I had my own personal town crier  to declare my return. He led the way everywhere I went.


  1. I love these photos and I commend you for finding your roots. Very awesome!

  2. What an amazing kid and you captured his "old" eyes so well. Looking forward to the next installment of your story.

    1. Knowing there is interest makes me want to tell my story and share my images even more.Thank you Ysa!

  3. your such a amazing story teller! thanks for taking me on this journey:)

  4. What an amazing story. I too am looking forward to reading (and seeing) more about your story.

    1. Will post more soon. Thank you for stopping by Whitney.
